Science Movie Night

Science Movie Night

From May 04, 2018 19:00 until 20:00

At Homi Sethna Hall, RRCAT Convention Center

Posted by Super User

Categories: Science Discovery Club

Hits: 616

Dear All,

The Science Discovery Club has finished screening of 13 episodes of the series "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage" last week. From this week we are going to start a nee documentary series "Wonders of Life" consists of 5 episodes presented by physicist Brian Cox. The series was produced by the BBC and Chinese state television network CCTV-9 and aired in the United Kingdom in 2013. The first episode "What is Life ?" will be screened on May 4, 2018 in the Homi Sethna Hall, Convention Centre, from 7 to 8 PM. All are invited to the screening.

With best regards,

A. S. Joshi
President, RRCAT Staff Club