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Trekking Programme

 Sub: One day trek on 25th August 2019 at Billa Ghati, in Bai Gram region

Trekking Date & programme

25th August 2019 (Sunday), Trek to Billa Ghati and back (~ 12 km)

Level of Trek

Medium to Hard

Reporting time & Venue

07:15 hrs. RRCAT Welfare Centre

Bus departure time

07:30 hrs. (sharp)

Approx. time of arrival at RRCAT Colony

17:00 hrs.

Last date of enrollment

22nd August, 2019, 19:00 hrs

Enrollment fees

Rs 100/- per head (For Members and their dependents). Enrollment is not transferable and fees is same for adult (max. 60 years) & children (min. 10 years).

Charges include transportation & light snacks.


The region is untouched, attractive Billa Ghati gives lush green portrait.  The zone is rich in flora and fauna.


RRCAT Staff Club members and their dependents.

Enrollment procedure for participants

Apply online through RRCAT Staff Club website using the link given below from 19th August, 2019, 14:00 hrs. onwards

Hardcopy of the form along with fees should be deposited at the RRCAT Staff Club Office at Indoor Sports Complex (Tel. 8680) between 17:30 hrs to 21:00 hrs.

Note: For any assistance contact Sh. Rajesh Shirsat (2001/8439), Sh. Ravikant Patel (2721/2731), Sh. Vinod Vishwakarma (2832)

General Instructions:

  1. Enrollment will be strictly after payment of fees on first cum first serve basis. Prior enrollment is essential and gate crashers will not be allowed. Please note, there is NO provision of spot registration.
  2. The numbers of participants are limited to 100 only. After first 100 participants, application of ONLY next 20 participants will be accepted online and will be considered for participation if there is any cancellation. There is no provision of off-line enrollment.
  3. Kindly bring your original payment receipt along with ID card or CHSS card during reporting time.
  4. Age limit for the trek is minimum 10 yrs. for children and maximum 60 yrs. for adults. Children should be accompanied with parents.
  5. There is no provision of cancellation (i.e. refund of fees).
  6. Participants should carry their own packed lunch.
  7. Trekking is a serious outdoor activity; it’s not a picnic. Participants are requested to follow safe practices like proper clothing track suit or full lower (No shorts, Barmuda etc..) are allowed.  Compulsory hiking shoes (Hunter or sports shoes) are mandatory and slippers and sandals are not allowed.  Other essentials are sun cap, water bottle, personal medicines, raincoat/umbrella (if required).
  8. During the trek program, decision of leaders will be final and participants are requested to cooperate.
  9. Those who are not members can avail this facility by becoming member of RRCAT Staff Club by using the link given below:


  1. RRCAT Staff Club, Leaders and Volunteers for are not responsible for any damage due to loss or injury during trek.
  • Not permitted: Smoking, disturbing noise, swimming, alcohol
  • Do not: spoil the way / nature by creating litters of wrappers, polythene or bottles.


Rajesh Shirsat


Nature & Adventure Circle

Tel.: 2001/8439