Science Movie Night

From September 14, 2018 19:00 until 20:00
Posted by Ishant Dave
Hits: 368

Dear All,

The Science Discovery Club will be screening the fourth episode "Dead or Alive" of the five part series "Wonders of the Solar System" on Sep 14, 2018 in the Vikram Sarabhai Hall, Convention Centre, from 7 to 8 PM. All members of the Science Explorers Club of AECS and Staff Club of RRCAT are invited to the screening.

Episode Brief: The fourth episode begins at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, US, where Prof. Brian Cox draws comparisons of the canyon to Mars and the massive Valles Marineris. A trip to Kīlauea on Hawaii shows the constant geological activity of Earth, and again a comparison to Mars and the massive Olympus Mons is seen. Both comparisons are insightful in the sense that Earth's systems are still dynamic and active whereas Mars' have gradually slowed into inactivity. Prof. Cox then switches view closer to the sun and the scorched greenhouse planet Venus, a planet often referred to as "Earth's twin", and compares it to the vulcan geology of the Deccan Plateau. An example of Earth's interconnectivity with the solar system reveals that Jupiter's gravitational effect could potentially send an asteroid through the Asteroid Belt on a collision course with Earth, as evidenced by Meteor Crater. The same gravitational force is also shown to give the Jovian moon Io geological life (given the absence of meteor impact evidence there) as paralleled by the volcanism of Erta Ale in Ethiopia. All in all, with the universal laws of physics at play throughout the solar system, its interconnectedness can also be seen. (Source-Wikipedia)

RRCAT Staff Club