Gita Gyan Yagya

From October 13, 2019 until October 19, 2019
Categories: Yog Circle
Hits: 651

Dear All,

Yog Circle_RRCAT staff club is happy to announce a one week Gita Gyan Yagya during the period 13 - 19 October 2019 at Convention Centre, RRCAT.
The lecture will address the Dhyan Yoga to effectively manage restlessness of today's materialistic life. The Gyan Yagna will be based on the 6th Chapter of Srimat Bhagawat Gita (Dhyana Yoga- Yoga of Meditation) and will be conducted by Swami Prabhudhananda Saraswati of Chimnaya Mission, Indore.

It is a golden opportunity to all the staff club members and their family members to avail the golden opportunity to participate in the Gyan Yagna.

Detailed notice is attached with this mail.

With best regards

Activity-In-Charge (Yog)
RRCAT Staff club