Yogic cleansing (of alimentary canal)- Varisar Dhauthi (ShankhaPrakshlan)

Starting on November 12, 2017 06:00
Posted by Super User
Categories: Yog Circle
Hits: 1279

Dear Sir/Madam,

Yog Circle, RRCAT Staff has organized a Yogic cleansing (of alimentary canal) - Varisar Dhauti (Shanghaprakshalan) on Sunday 12th November 2017 in the Yog Hall. Kindly see the attached circular for details. All interested are invited for the programme.


Thanking you,

B. Devadasan
Convener, Yog Circle
RRCAT Staff Club
Tel: 0731-2488848, 2321341
Fax: 0731-2321343


{rsfiles path="yoga/Yogic cleansing - Varisar Dhauthi Shanghaprakshalana on 12.11.2017.pdf"}